Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Ingredients ~~~~~
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 Black olive
  • 1 Radish
  • 2 Fresh chives
  • 1 Tiny Swiss cheese wedge

Directions ~~~~~
  1. Place the egg in a small saucepan and cover with cold water. Bring to a boil over high heat. Boil for 1 minute, then turn off the heat. Cover the saucepan and let the egg sit in the hot water for 12 minutes.
  2. Once the time is up, run the egg under cold water to cool. Then ask your child to roll the egg on all sides to crack the shell. Peel under running water.
  3. Slice the egg in half lengthwise. Place the halves yolk side down on a plate. (Alternatively, you can slice off a bit of the bottom of a peeled, hard-boiled egg so it can sit flat on a plate.) Slice tiny black olive "eyes" and radish "ears." Then make small slits in the egg halves for the eyes and ears and push in the olives and radishes. Add chive tails.
  4. Serve the pair of egg mice with a wedge of Swiss cheese for a playful lunch. Makes 2 mice.

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