Sunday, September 28, 2008

Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure

So... I forgot to post on FRIDAY, my game, manga, anime, whatever day......... So today i'm posting for that day n_n.............

Today I want to talk about the video game RHAPSODY: A MUSICAL ADVENTURE, by Atlus. It was made for playstation 1 in JULY 2000. It's mostly seen as a girl game, and yes, i think so as well. It has wonderful music, and also comes with a CD when you buy the game. This game is also coming to the DS soon.

The game centers on the adventures of Cornet, a girl who can talk to puppets and has a magical horn that grants wishes, and Kururu, a puppet that is very close to Cornet. The majority of the game is about Cornet and Kururu trying to save Prince Ferdinand Marl E. (whom Cornet has a crush on) after he has been turned to stone by the self-proclaimed "most beautiful witch in the world." The witch, Queen Marjoly, also has a crush on the prince and had meant to transport him to her castle, but messed up the spell and accidentally turned him to stone.

When starting a new game, the player can select a game difficulty (easy, normal, or hard), which affects how long it will take to finish the game. The player selects different places on the world map and encounters random encounter battles. Unlike most RPGs, the player can save at any time, except during battle.

An oft-mentioned point of appreciation is its relatively unique plot premise and flow. Rhapsody is a theatrical musical in regard to its presentation style, containing frequent cut scenes that are sung, rather than simply spoken and acted. Players are given the option of listening to the lyrics and voice-overs in Japanese, English, or muting them entirely.

I would give this game a 8/10, but some may say that i think it is good because its a girlly game, and i happen to be a girl.

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