Monday, September 22, 2008

How This Blog Is Gonna Work

So............. Yeah.... I'm not very good at blogging. haha but, i've decided that if i make myself a schedule, maybe i'll get on frequently? Or at least more than i do now......... And i need to get on, bc my grade depends on it!!! lol not only that though, ive wanted to start a blog n_n but never got around to it until this web class. So here's how its going to work ~~~

  • MONDAYS - Random Entry Day (yayyy)

  • TUESDAYS - Recipes (Yummmm)

  • WEDNESDAY - Random Entry Day (yayyy)

  • THURSDAY - Art Apreciation (mine as well as others n_n)

  • FRIDAY - Anime/Manga/Game Review Day!!! (Anyone with questions on the games or need help, don't be afraid to ask!!!!)

  • SATURDAY AND SUNDAY - If i get around to it, i'll post. If i miss a day then i'll post one of these days.

Yayyyyyy.... So there is my schedule. Thanks for coming to my blog. I shall try to post often.

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