Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Intro To My Life...

Hellooooooo! n_n So today is random blog entry day, so im going to post about me... lol Well, maybe someone will find it interesting!!! I just thought maybe you would like to know whats going on in my life.......since your reading my blog.........or maybe not......but it gives me something to do, okay?!?! LOL so.... without further ado, i shall explain myself....

My name is April Bernadette -----.... (im not fond of people knowing my full name on the web.......) i have 2 brothers, 3 sisters, and 2 step sisters. lol full house, yes i know. I have a wonderful boyfriend named Ryan.

I love video games, manga, anime, crafts, yadda yadda.... animals... friends.... blah so on. My favorite colour is aqua and i like spelling colour like that bc not alot of ppl spell it that way......... Is it a British thing? I also spell grEy like that instead of grAy..... Which is correct? lol, does it matter?.........

I got off topic. Sorry. I love final fantasy games.......... X that. I love SquareSoft and Square Enix games the best. lol To be more broad....... cuz i'll go on and on about video games....

My favorite anime and manga.......................x that.......... My FIRST manga was Fushigi Yuugi, by Yuu Watase. Big Yuu Watase fan. Check her out. My first anime was probably Sailor Moon.... I don't remember that far back.

Yeah... so i have 4 dogs (3 being golden retrievers and 1 being a german shepard), one guinne pig (ADORABLE!!! But sheds alot!!! @_@), and one fish (names Sakana, which means fish in japanese.... lol)..........

And i think i talk too much.......... so im So thanks for visiting my blog. Can't wait to blab some more tommorrow.....


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