Wednesday, November 19, 2008

CGing W/ PhotoShop!!!

Yeah... so here is the wonderful how to on CGing......... And yeah.... i totally haven't been posting like i said i would....... X_X sooo busy.... darn college... lol But i can't write much more..... too busy.. but here is a photoshop pointer!

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Soooooo..... No need to tell me........ I know i haven't been on for a month....... or maybe weeks...... but i haven't had to because this was a project for my class....... but now its not and i think i'm going to use this site for other stuff n_n....

So the new way this blog will work....
  • MONDAYS- Anime Day ..::WoOt::..
  • TUESDAYS- Manga Day (lol, I'll explain this in the later paragraphs...)
  • WEDNESDAYS- Fanart Day (mine and others)
  • THURSDAYS- Gaming Day ..::wOoT::..
  • FRIDAYS- ...My Ramblings Day!!! (hahahahaa)

Yeah......... So anime days........ Its just going to be me and my ramblings about a different anime, what i like about it and what not... But i'll have a link to my other page where you can download the anime and see more of my smart little comments on it.... and basically the same for manga.

Fanart day.... I will post my art sometimes, and i will post my friends and what i think is cool.... And i'll post some things on How to Use PhotoShop if you want to learn how to CG.... I'm still learning, but you know. My friends make up some How To Guides... So we can learn together, ne?

Gaming day........... My blahing on games... I don't own an Xbox...... so i won't be talking about Xbox games....... ever....... one day i will get one for the eternal sonata game....... UNLESS! I buy it for PS3, yah!!!! lol..... it needs to come out soon....

Rambling days....... may turn into another sort of day...... but i couldn't think of anything......... but its cool.....


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Lego Art

This Lego Art is by Nathan Sawaya. It's amazing and beautiful.

(btw......... i haven't been feeling good, therefore i haven't written for a while T_T sorries)

Monday, September 29, 2008


Today i'm not feeling very well. AT ALL. bleh.... Homework is due.... and i feel like i'm going to fall over any minute. I'm tired, and i'm so happy class was cancelled this morning, or i would have died by now. I don't think im going to write much today.......


peace out.


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure

So... I forgot to post on FRIDAY, my game, manga, anime, whatever day......... So today i'm posting for that day n_n.............

Today I want to talk about the video game RHAPSODY: A MUSICAL ADVENTURE, by Atlus. It was made for playstation 1 in JULY 2000. It's mostly seen as a girl game, and yes, i think so as well. It has wonderful music, and also comes with a CD when you buy the game. This game is also coming to the DS soon.

The game centers on the adventures of Cornet, a girl who can talk to puppets and has a magical horn that grants wishes, and Kururu, a puppet that is very close to Cornet. The majority of the game is about Cornet and Kururu trying to save Prince Ferdinand Marl E. (whom Cornet has a crush on) after he has been turned to stone by the self-proclaimed "most beautiful witch in the world." The witch, Queen Marjoly, also has a crush on the prince and had meant to transport him to her castle, but messed up the spell and accidentally turned him to stone.

When starting a new game, the player can select a game difficulty (easy, normal, or hard), which affects how long it will take to finish the game. The player selects different places on the world map and encounters random encounter battles. Unlike most RPGs, the player can save at any time, except during battle.

An oft-mentioned point of appreciation is its relatively unique plot premise and flow. Rhapsody is a theatrical musical in regard to its presentation style, containing frequent cut scenes that are sung, rather than simply spoken and acted. Players are given the option of listening to the lyrics and voice-overs in Japanese, English, or muting them entirely.

I would give this game a 8/10, but some may say that i think it is good because its a girlly game, and i happen to be a girl.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Beautiful Hand Art

Artist: Guido Daniele

This art is not photoshoped. It is actually painted on hands of other people by the artist named above. Very creative n_n

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Intro To My Life...

Hellooooooo! n_n So today is random blog entry day, so im going to post about me... lol Well, maybe someone will find it interesting!!! I just thought maybe you would like to know whats going on in my life.......since your reading my blog.........or maybe not......but it gives me something to do, okay?!?! LOL so.... without further ado, i shall explain myself....

My name is April Bernadette -----.... (im not fond of people knowing my full name on the web.......) i have 2 brothers, 3 sisters, and 2 step sisters. lol full house, yes i know. I have a wonderful boyfriend named Ryan.

I love video games, manga, anime, crafts, yadda yadda.... animals... friends.... blah so on. My favorite colour is aqua and i like spelling colour like that bc not alot of ppl spell it that way......... Is it a British thing? I also spell grEy like that instead of grAy..... Which is correct? lol, does it matter?.........

I got off topic. Sorry. I love final fantasy games.......... X that. I love SquareSoft and Square Enix games the best. lol To be more broad....... cuz i'll go on and on about video games....

My favorite anime and manga.......................x that.......... My FIRST manga was Fushigi Yuugi, by Yuu Watase. Big Yuu Watase fan. Check her out. My first anime was probably Sailor Moon.... I don't remember that far back.

Yeah... so i have 4 dogs (3 being golden retrievers and 1 being a german shepard), one guinne pig (ADORABLE!!! But sheds alot!!! @_@), and one fish (names Sakana, which means fish in japanese.... lol)..........

And i think i talk too much.......... so im So thanks for visiting my blog. Can't wait to blab some more tommorrow.....


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Button Cookies n_n

  • 2cups sifted all - purpose flour,plus more for work surface
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 cup(1 stick)unsalted butter, softened
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • Gel - paste food coloring in pink and green
  • Sanding sugar, for sprinkling


1. Whisk together flour , salt, and baking powder in a large bowl; set aside.Put butter and granulated sugar into the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment; mix on medium speed until pale and fluffy.Mix in egg and vanilla.Reduce speed to low. Add flour mixture; mix until combined. Divide dough into thirds. Knead pink food coloring into 1 piece and green into another. Shape all 3 pieces into disks. Wrap disks in plastic wrap, and refrigerate until firm, at least 1 hour.

2. Preheat oven to 325 . Remove 1 disk from refrigerator; let stand at room temperature until slightly soft, 5 to 10 minutes. Roll out dough on a piece of lightly floured parchment to a 1/8 - inch thickness, dusting with flour as needed. Cut out circles with a 1 3/4 inch round cutter, then lightly press with a 1 1/2 inch round cutter. Make button holes with a skewer. Reroll scraps, and cut.(If dough becomes too soft,refrigerate 10 minutes) Repeat with remaining dough. Space 1 1/2 inches apart on baking sheets lined with parchment paper. Sprinkle with sanding sugar.

3. Bake, rotating halfway through, until edges are golden, 16 to 18 minutes. Transfer to wire racks; let cool completely. Cookies can be stored in airtight containers at room temperature up to 1 week.

Monday, September 22, 2008

How This Blog Is Gonna Work

So............. Yeah.... I'm not very good at blogging. haha but, i've decided that if i make myself a schedule, maybe i'll get on frequently? Or at least more than i do now......... And i need to get on, bc my grade depends on it!!! lol not only that though, ive wanted to start a blog n_n but never got around to it until this web class. So here's how its going to work ~~~

  • MONDAYS - Random Entry Day (yayyy)

  • TUESDAYS - Recipes (Yummmm)

  • WEDNESDAY - Random Entry Day (yayyy)

  • THURSDAY - Art Apreciation (mine as well as others n_n)

  • FRIDAY - Anime/Manga/Game Review Day!!! (Anyone with questions on the games or need help, don't be afraid to ask!!!!)

  • SATURDAY AND SUNDAY - If i get around to it, i'll post. If i miss a day then i'll post one of these days.

Yayyyyyy.... So there is my schedule. Thanks for coming to my blog. I shall try to post often.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Ingredients ~~~~~
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 Black olive
  • 1 Radish
  • 2 Fresh chives
  • 1 Tiny Swiss cheese wedge

Directions ~~~~~
  1. Place the egg in a small saucepan and cover with cold water. Bring to a boil over high heat. Boil for 1 minute, then turn off the heat. Cover the saucepan and let the egg sit in the hot water for 12 minutes.
  2. Once the time is up, run the egg under cold water to cool. Then ask your child to roll the egg on all sides to crack the shell. Peel under running water.
  3. Slice the egg in half lengthwise. Place the halves yolk side down on a plate. (Alternatively, you can slice off a bit of the bottom of a peeled, hard-boiled egg so it can sit flat on a plate.) Slice tiny black olive "eyes" and radish "ears." Then make small slits in the egg halves for the eyes and ears and push in the olives and radishes. Add chive tails.
  4. Serve the pair of egg mice with a wedge of Swiss cheese for a playful lunch. Makes 2 mice.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

ART --- Its What I Do

I believe art is the best thing God has created....... It really helps boredom and i love creativity. I have some pictures i'm going to post through out the week as i find some pictures of the things i do. I love many types of art. I enjoy sewing, painting, drawing, colouring, dancing --like ballet, lyrical, ballroom, swing, tap, jazz --, playing piano............ I could go on & on. Seriously. Like forever. lol OH OH OH!! And i also enjoy computer art n___n I just started using PhotoShop. but before that i used other programs... that aren't meant for colouring pictures. lol. I make Banners, Layouts, Avatars, Signatures, Buttons, ECards, and many other things....The picture at the top is a signature i made for a friend of mine. Anytime you see the name 'Freako' on stuff like that, its probably made by me....... Unles someone stole my web name........... grrrr.... Yeah... and the one right under it is supposed to change color and twist around and what not, but im not sure it will do it......... Its an avatar though. Today i have mostly downloaded my anime/manga stuff. But i have lots more, i'll save for another day. On the top right of this post is a button a made for my store that hasn't been made yet.... but it will be soon n_n and on the bottom right is a Ecard i made a long time ago for I have many posted on there. And i think thats all i'm going to post for today.... Leave me a comment!