Thursday, May 16, 2013

Watching Full Moon

So, recently I just rewatched the anime Full Moon (o Sagashite).


Oh so many tears.

Has anyone ever watched it? I was proud to find out that it was on Hulu... but the only thing about that is they have like 3 commercial spots and then they play 3 commercials in each spot -_- - but I did rewatch all of them on Hulu because it had the best quality. If you don't care about quality - this show is easy to find online with out commercials.

On a side note - Full Moon is free on Hulu - You DO NOT need a PAID account.

The ending of Full Moon tugs at your heart strings! I won't put any spoilers on this post, but *tears* Meroko!♥

 (This is not a picture from the anime - but it IS one of my favorites from the manga!)

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