Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Books & Life

So I started this 50 Book Summer Challenge on my Book Review blog, and I'm thinking I may only get to do about 30... (if that). I'm going to try to do as many as possible, but I do have other things going on in my life this summer.

1) DH and I are moving into a new apartment on Friday! (YAY!) We are going to be moving into a new place that is bigger (2 br instead of 1) and WAY more windows and less like the dungeon we live in now.

This dungeon has more light then our apartment O_o
2) DH and I are visiting a friend in St. Louis, MO in June for a week. I'm super excited because I have never been there and they have AWESOME museums and stuff that is free to the public. Also, I've come to find out that in a certain museum they are going to have inventions that Da Vinci has made! I'm super excited, because this came from Italy, and I will have a chance to see it!

Did you know that Da Vinci wrote upside down and backwards in his journal to keep people from being able to read it?
3) My brother and sister (twins) are coming to stay with us (hopefully) for a week in July. Don't have much planned yet (and we won't have a lot of money this summer) but I'm excited to see them!

4) My OTHER brother and sister (youngin's) are coming for a week in August for the first time! I can't wait to see them, and I'm sure we will go to the zoo or something like that.

5) All summer I work at art camps from 8am-1pm (sometimes til 5pm).

6) My other job is from 1pm-5pm.

7) I start yet ANOTHER job at a magazine as a photographer at the end of July or August.

Sooooo yeah... These books may not get done in time (doesn't help that I just wrote an extra long post either).

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