Monday, May 20, 2013

Final Fantasy X Rant

So, lately I have been playing all of the Final Fantasy games, going up to 13 because I recently bought it and I KNOW none of them have anything to do with one another, but I have just been feeling like playing all of them.

I started with 8, because that is the earliest I own, and I got to play all the way up to the 3rd disc... and then it was scratched >_< loveelyyy.... Sooo... I just decided to watch the cut-scenes from the game all the way to the ending, and well... yeah. Just left it at that. If I knew someone who owned it and was willing to let me borrow it, I would have finished it... but I didn't... soooo... 

Onwards to IX! 9 is definitely my favorite final fantasy. I don't know what it is about it, but I love all of the characters, the wit and humor, and just really everything about this game. And I mean, the main character have a monkey tail. How awesome is he?!

So I finished IX, and here I am at X... all is going great until Yunalesca.


That's what I have to say about her. She is really aggravating me. Everything was running so smoothly. And I thought she was going to be easier than this. The first time I encountered this when I was thirteen, my best friend played this fight in ONE battle, in like 20 min max. So I thought, you know, maybe it was easy if it was easy for a 13 yr old. Not.

I want to have fun playing final fantasy, so I'm going to take a break for a while. I heard somewhere, that if you take a break, your brain works things out for you, even if you are not thinking about it. I'm hoping this will happen.

So while I'm waiting to replay this battle again, I'm filling up my time with Eternal Sonata, and am going to play it to the fullest - since the first time I played I didn't get all of the scores or any other side quest items.

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