Friday, October 26, 2012

Holy Awesome Sauce

So... Realized I haven't been on my blog for a year. Again. Hah! Are you really that surprised my non-existant (except four) followers?!
I have been on Deviantart alot lately though (Check that out here). I also have a Tumblr I *try* to update as often as I think about it (That would be here).

I am ALMOST finished with my Art Degree!! *Cheers from crowd* *bows* OMG I feel like I've been in school forEVER. Ready to be out!! But it's also scary because I have to actually go out there and *hope* to get a real job...

Well, non-existant ones, thanks for *not* listening to me =)

I bid all of thee farewell and maybe Ill be on my blog again next year! haha.

BTW Im addicted to this game!! Click here to play.

1 comment:

crazpicc said...

OMG, it has been a while! Where have you been girl? Lol this is Natasha by the way. You should read some of my blog posts as well and comment and everything. I have a Tumblr as well. I have alot actually. Tumblr, Twitter, Blog Page, and a dA but i have been having problems with dA. I will get it to work someday.

But i just wanted to leave you a comment. Type more about your life! I know i have cause my life is apparently interesting to myself!