Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sooo... Scheduling...

So making a set schedule for posts every week is pretty hard. I used to make up these alot.. but as you can see they don't work or I just dont follow them well lol

I'm going to have a 'set schedule' but I'm not going to post it cuz maybe that's why I never write.... haha IDK.

So today was a short work day and I have a test tomorrow I must study for eventually. Its a Intro to Special Education class and its not really that hard, but it is a very fun class.

I also have to write a paper on this Tom Franklin book, Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter, but I haven't gotten around to it yet (I did a review on this book here.) It's definitely a great book though, so I really recommend you check it out.

Well ja ne~ I have this homework to do and also have to run by the Ceramics lab and try to throw some pitchers and start my sisters birthday presents! (I'm making them dolls. Here's how to make these adorable dolls here. - very old site though)

Friday, October 26, 2012

Holy Awesome Sauce

So... Realized I haven't been on my blog for a year. Again. Hah! Are you really that surprised my non-existant (except four) followers?!
I have been on Deviantart alot lately though (Check that out here). I also have a Tumblr I *try* to update as often as I think about it (That would be here).

I am ALMOST finished with my Art Degree!! *Cheers from crowd* *bows* OMG I feel like I've been in school forEVER. Ready to be out!! But it's also scary because I have to actually go out there and *hope* to get a real job...

Well, non-existant ones, thanks for *not* listening to me =)

I bid all of thee farewell and maybe Ill be on my blog again next year! haha.

BTW Im addicted to this game!! Click here to play.