Monday, July 4, 2011


So, I'm REALLLLLY behind in Bleach... LOL I had stopped watching it for a year and I and finally watching it again. I forgot how much I LOVE this show. I'm on episode 213, so I'm still watching about the Arrancar (but I'm not sure if anyone is off of the Arrancar because of all of the filler in this show >_<)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sundays...oh Sundays...

I wish I had Sunday's off =( ...

I think they are the WORST days to work...

How's everyone's Sunday? What are you all planning to do for 4th of July this week?

I'm just glad I'm off. =)

Hey, I'm going to post a link to my Tumblr, which is my online portfolio of my art work... A long time ago one of you said you wanted to see some of my art... well here it is LOL a little late?