Thursday, September 24, 2009

..::;;**Gaming Day**;;::..

So for all of my gaming fans out there ~ -cricket- ~ Oh yeah... so i don't have any fans, probably because i don't get on my blog and update enough... Welllll, i'm starting a Tweet, and maybe i shall have more fans. One day when i actually have time i'll get on more often. PROMISE.


Today's Game of the Day is ~~~

Which is, as all my friends will try and tell you, one of the GREATEST final fantasy games EVER made.

ALSO i have some links to AWESOME walkthroughs, if you use them, and other great information
on this game!!!



WIKI -- Alot of information if you feel like reading.

Also, just as another link, i have the beginning video on YOUTUBE.

ANNND Just coming from me, this IS the coolest RPG ever, so if you love
squaresoft, try it out!!!

And if you actually use the walkthrough, your a cheater O_O unless you played it through th
e first time
and are just using it for the second or whatnot...


anyhow.. Its a really fun game, guys and girls lov
e it. Guys for the awesome action,
and girls for the lovely graphics (even though now we have better) and for the ... romance?

LOL So just be sure to check it out if you haven't.

If you haveee, Gimme an i ..::heart::.. FF8

~Ja Ne


PS Follow me on Twitter!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Manga Day!! .:WoOt:.

Soooo I haven't posted in like... almost a year..... so yeaaaah im sorry...

Here is a bit about one of my favorite mangas. I give it a 5/5.

R to L (Japanese Style)

In company-owned rabbit-hutch apartments live tenants who can't afford to live anywhere else, and the apartment complex in which high-school girl Hatsumi Narita lives is ruled over by the rumor mongering, self-righteous Mrs. Tachibana. Get on Tachibana's bad side, and life becomes hell. When Hatsumi has to buy a pregnancy test because her popular sister Akane is late, Mrs. Tachibana's son, Ryoki, who used to bully Hatsumi as a kid, promises not to tell the world about Hatsumi's secret, only if she becomes his slave. Suddenly Azusa, Hatsumi's protector in their youth, reappears to save her again! He's moving back into the neighborhood! Despite the budding romance between Hatsumi and Azusa, Ryoki has control over her through the secret that could ruin the lives of everyone in Hatsumi's family, and he hasn't forgotten who his slave is!

Hatsumi is a sensible and mild-mannered young girl, but she suddenly finds herself in a swirl of drama that threatens to drive her totally crazy. Her younger sister is a shameless flirt and might be pregnant. [Oh no!] An old friend is back in town and is now a famous (and hot) fashion model.[Swoon...]Her neighbor is a bully and is blackmailing her to be his love slave. [Hate him!!]And this is just the beginning! Miki Aihara turned the manga world upside down with her salacious, outrageous, and funny hit series. If you think being a teenager in America is hard, wait until you read Hot Gimmick. These Tokyo boys and girls are really messed up!