Thursday, October 30, 2008


Soooooo..... No need to tell me........ I know i haven't been on for a month....... or maybe weeks...... but i haven't had to because this was a project for my class....... but now its not and i think i'm going to use this site for other stuff n_n....

So the new way this blog will work....
  • MONDAYS- Anime Day ..::WoOt::..
  • TUESDAYS- Manga Day (lol, I'll explain this in the later paragraphs...)
  • WEDNESDAYS- Fanart Day (mine and others)
  • THURSDAYS- Gaming Day ..::wOoT::..
  • FRIDAYS- ...My Ramblings Day!!! (hahahahaa)

Yeah......... So anime days........ Its just going to be me and my ramblings about a different anime, what i like about it and what not... But i'll have a link to my other page where you can download the anime and see more of my smart little comments on it.... and basically the same for manga.

Fanart day.... I will post my art sometimes, and i will post my friends and what i think is cool.... And i'll post some things on How to Use PhotoShop if you want to learn how to CG.... I'm still learning, but you know. My friends make up some How To Guides... So we can learn together, ne?

Gaming day........... My blahing on games... I don't own an Xbox...... so i won't be talking about Xbox games....... ever....... one day i will get one for the eternal sonata game....... UNLESS! I buy it for PS3, yah!!!! lol..... it needs to come out soon....

Rambling days....... may turn into another sort of day...... but i couldn't think of anything......... but its cool.....


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Lego Art

This Lego Art is by Nathan Sawaya. It's amazing and beautiful.

(btw......... i haven't been feeling good, therefore i haven't written for a while T_T sorries)